Oppss, busted!

Oppss, busted!

Friday, September 19, 2014

He Strike Again

September 19, 2014

It started out as a nice evening, we had dinner as a family with parent-in-law, and our precious daughter - Shu. He has texted me earlier that day asking me out to the movie theater. I've agreed. I love movie anyway.

We finished dinner, I do the dishes and he lays there playing this NBA basketball game that he plays all the time. Mother-in-law takes care of Shu and father-in-law lays in bed watching his night time movie.

8:00 PM - I asked if it is time to go as he has previously said that we'll take off at 8 P.M. He continue to lay in the sofa playing his game. "Soon" he replied.

Thoughts hit me where he squint his brows, raises his voice and said "We Need To GO!" all the time when we go out as a couple, All The Time. Regardless of day, regardless of people that we are with, regardless of things I need to get done before hand (diapers, bottles, set of clothes, car seat and the list goes on).

I continued with my dishes.

8:20 PM - "We need to go now" he yelled across the hallway. I was laying in bed with my Ipad. I stayed silently because I am exhausted from the early hours I have for the past 2 days and the long drive from Houston to San Antonio then back. He found me lying in bed, grab the ipad off my hand and walk towards the restroom, he sat down on the toilet and continue his nature's call.
"I thought we are leaving?" I said.
"I need to check the time of the movie." He replied.
"Are you going poo poo?" I asked.
"Yesssss." He replied.

Thought hits me again how he can go to the restroom whenever he wants, move and have people around him move when he is ready but not when the person is ready. I went into Parent-in-law room and spend some time with Shu.

8:30 PM - He finishes his business and we are ready to take off, finally.

We arrived at the theater and proceed with buying the ticket. We were going to watch "Walking on the Tombstone".
"I don't know how to pronounce the name, can you go buy the ticket." He said
We were at the ticketing counter, the screen where the title of the movie shown is far away from the cashier, so I said:" Can we can two tickets to the whatever Tombstone?" I chuckled.
His eyes squinted, with great annoyance in his tone: "Is not freaking funny, what the hell is whatever tombstone."

I kept quiet.

We got the ticket, proceed to the assigned room and sat down. He played with his phone as usually during trailers. When the reminder commercial of turning your cell phone is on, I extend my hand to his phone signaling to stop playing his phone and I'll put it in my purse. He stopped and placed his phone a seat away in the cup holder.
"You have some secret you are hiding from me?" I said
"You are fucking sensitive and fucking crazy." He said
I looked at him all surprise and mad at the same time.
"Because of a phone, you have to say that I'm crazy?" I asked.
"Yes, you are fucking crazy and you have a fucking problem." He said.
Follow to push to on my shoulder signaling me to get away from him.

I kept quiet, still mad and the movie start.

Not long into the movie, he gently put his hand on my right arm, and I scoot away immediately because we have enough of episode like this and I just want to enjoy the movie without fight. I stood up, walk to the seat at the far left edge and sat there alone.

The movie is done, I stand up immediately and walk out of the theater alone. Standing at the side walk near entrance of the theater, looking at people passing by. He walked pass me and didn't notice me, I didn't bother to call him. I stood there and continue to watch him. He walked towards his car, got into his car, start the car and drove away. So, I called a yellow cab.

The yellow cab came and I got into the cab, gave the driver my home address and proceed to go home myself. In the cab I realized my cell phone was vibrating, took the phone out and saw him calling. I was still mad and didn't bother to answer.

This is not the first time he left me outside and drove home himself anyway. 
First time he did that was tough, I have full trust in him, we went out for quick dinner, so I had no phone and no money. He left me at the restaurant because I said our 8 months old need to go to bed and it was already 9 PM and the line at the restaurant is still very long. I called the only number I remember on top of my head "My sister's home phone". Brother-in-law picked up and drove me home. 

Ever since that incident, I never went out with him without a cell phone or without money. I lived and learned. 

 So, I got home. Called father-in-law to let me in. Mother-in-law came to open the door. She saw me alone and asked what happened. I explained and she told me to get some rest and don't think too much. I went to take a quick shower in my parent-in-law bathroom before bed, didn't want to wake up Shu, so I didn't use bathroom in her room.

Right after I finished my shower, I heard his voice coming from the bedroom. I didn't think much, just wanted to go to bed. I dry myself and walked out of the shower. I was on my period, so I put my panty on with naked top covering by towel, I lay the first pad on my panty.

"BOOM" the bathroom door was opened. I was still bending down laying the first pad on my panty.
He charged in and pushes me, I lost balance and fell against the wall.

Mother-in-law immediately walk in front of him and pushes him out of the bathroom.

it goes on and on. I was still against the wall, looking at his mother stopping him from charging at me.

It was 12 A.M. in the morning. 

I picked up my steps, pull up my panty and grab my cell phone that are still charging. I was trying to record his madness and craziness. He reached over his mother, grabbed my cellphone and toss it on the tile floor.


His dad finally came in from the pool area and push him out of the bathroom, then outside of the house to the pool area.

I locked the bathroom door, put on clothes and mother-in-law knocked on the bathroom door.

I cried and cried.
"I don't think I can handle this anymore, this is not the first time." I cried
"You guys finally get to see his true faces and how he would treat me, I'm scared and I am truly scared. This is how he would act when you guys are around. Imagine what happened when you guys are not around?" I continued

"I didn't know he has such a temper." Mother-in-law said
"He said he was looking for you out there." she continued.

"I saw his drove away from the parking lot before I call a cab." I cried

At this point, I really don't think I need to argue whether if he purposely left me there or whatsoever.

His parents will always be his parents and will always protect their son. There will be no doubt about that.

I am afraid and I am scared. This is never a healthy relationship and this behavior should be never use to treat your wife or your love ones.

He is a sick man and I realized that.