Oppss, busted!

Oppss, busted!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


So many stories I've heard about people getting robbed at WalMart and too many times my sisters, families and friends told me not to visit WalMart late at night since it is dangerous.

I've never thought it would happen to me.

It all happen so fast. I think the robber is in a hurry as well. I've just finished picking up my L'oreal Millionist your lash mascara at Walmart in Stafford. Prior leaving, at the front door of my Walmart, I play my favorite TaeYang song on my iphone 4. Walked towards my car that parked about 3rd aisle from front door, got into my car, placed my bag on the passenger seat as usual and when I turned around to close my door, a guy stand in front of my car door and pointed a gun at me. First I didn't see the gun, I thought it might be a homeless guy asking for change due to the economy.

But a second later I realized there's a gun in my head. I wasn't as scared as I would imagined. Maybe because I have a feeling that the gun might be fake. For one second I thought of fighting back and dare him to make a shoot. Eventually, I didn't take the chance.

The robber, in dark navy blue hoody, has the hood over his head, he do not have mask on, but it is too dark and too fast for me to even recognize his nationality.
He said as he stands in front of my car:"Give me your bag."
(I look in his direction and saw a gun in my face, thought about fighting back but I didn't, I froze for a moment)
He said again:"Give me your bag or I will shoot you."
(So, after debating to myself that it's not worth it, I gave him my bag)
He said:"Get down or I will shoot you, give me your keys as well, and get down!"
(So I got down towards the passenger seat)
Robber:"Don't get up or I will shoot you, I will shoot you."

(about 3 seconds after he left, I got up, open my door)
WTF, he touches my car, when a police officer asked if he grabbed the door of my car I said I don't know and they didn't think he did since he came right to me when my car is still open and now that I think back, he actually did closed my car door and ran away.

(Back to the story, I opened my car door, turned back to check if he is still there. He was running towards the right direction from coming out of Walmart front door over the food center section. I can roughly recall that he is in shorts and sport shoes, and dark navy hoody, however I am not 100% sure)

(So, employee at Walmart named Angie called the police for me and the police came in less than 5 minutes, which is pretty impressive. The worker at Walmart gave me a form to fill in as what has happened; Police asked me a bunch of questions and took my contact number and I called my brother-in-law to pick me up, shamelessly)

(The Walmart worker, my brother-in-law and the police all told me the same thing that is not worth it to fight back when in a robbery, since the most valuable thing you have is your life, as I calmed down, I thought that is so true. But I feel so sorry that I've got my house and car keys stolen, I feel sorry that I have put my family's safety at risk, I will definitely learned in future.)

God, if you are real and if you heard this, please just make all the bad guy such as murderer, murderer-to-be, robber, robber-to-be disappear, got run over by MACK truck or something... Thanks)

The robber took: My bag with
1. wallet
2. $5 cash
3. Iphone 4
4. 2 major credit cards
5. Sephora gift card
6. Old Navy card
7. Driver license
5. Check book
6. HardDrive
7. Pre-approve car loan letter
8. Makeup bag ( MY PRECIOUS!!!!)
9. Miscellaneous items such as Always-pad...

As I got home and starting to one by one cancel my credit cards. I've already seen payment posted. The first thing that the robber do is to buy food from Whataburger... I'm like seriously? He must be super hungry or super frustrated since all the cash I have in my purse is less than $5... Bad target for the night for him... After the food purchases, he bought charged something from ExxonMobil Gas station, trying to get cash advance from capital one account an got denied, and I bet he is as pissed as me right now for picking the wrong target...

Stupid him for did not ask me for my pin number. Not that I would give him a real one, but is true that he has no choice but to rob people are simply stupid. I mean, for god sake if you are really hungry, try to maybe getting a job? Or go back to your home country if this country is not working out for you? Try to, I don't know, do a lap dance or sell your body for money? That might work better than robbing someone... Seriously.. Use what you have, as in your body to survive instead of hurting someone....

I truly wish... He/ them got run over by a MACK truck...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

UPS Truck

I have a love hate relationship with UPS company. They bring me joy but at the same time their shipping cost an arm and leg. I remembered last time I tried to mail couple pieces of A4 size paper to Malaysia, man... the shipping cost is unbelievably HIGH, like a student on weed; like the air plane in the sky; like a junkie after shot... I'm not kidding...

It cost approximately $131.00 to mail couple pieces of A4 size papers.

Seriously UPS? Seriously you think you are going to get any business off me?

On the other hand, the UPS man that run the delivery route of my office is so cute :D I could stare at him day and night. He has the cutest smile and every time he comes in, he is always so polite. Cute guy!

Most importantly he compliments me. OKAY, I think he is cute only because he compliments me, NO! He is truly cute though *insert smiley face*

I stalk Sephora website

Addiction huh? Yeap, yeap... I spent too much money on makeup. I was talking to my friends earlier this week about makeup, and a guy friend asked a very interesting questions.

He asked:"So, why are you getting so many palettes when you have those colors already?"

(my initial reaction was like, no color are the same, yes you can get dupe and stuff but there're so many brands out there, different quality, different finishes and so many thing else, but he wouldn't understand since he is a guy. So I answered)

Me:"Well, I collect makeup, there're like collectible to me."

He:"Ohhh, that's understandable."

I think he really does understand since he is the type of person who would spend $300 on a pair of jean just because it is limited edition. Similarly, I would spend $54 on a palette since it is limited edition.

We're sick... and the major industries out there are using our illness as their money making opportunity!