Oppss, busted!

Oppss, busted!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ROad Trip!

Well, half road trip. T, M & I will be leaving Houston to VEGAS, on Christmas day. Early Christmas morning eh~ I am not sure why American always so excited about Vegas. Do they think Vegas is where the magic happens? My thought is most likely that's the place you normally lost your undies.

I am not super excited about this trip since I will be taking another trip right after this to Malaysia and then Hong Kong. That's like so many traveling! Too many traveling! But at least I get to meet my K. I am excited to meet him, but not excited about his decision of not coming here. Is like heaven is serving McDonalds and you can still get heart diseases. I know right!!!

Anyhoo, Cambrey broke down and I am looking to get a new car. I am not sure if my credit allows me to do so but I am sure hope good things will happens. FEH FIX YO SELF UP!

Monday, December 20, 2010

With You Right Here I'm a Rocketeer

Songs That I'm loving this month:

(Well Feh, you get 'touched' by every single song out there)

Just want to record that I love these songs. We'll see if I will still like it 3 years from now? Or even 2 months from today!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Talked to KC regarding the date invitation by John and KC said that J fits the criteria of a predator that hunts down women."

Comes to think of it, J fits the descriptions. Dressed nice (even thought he's only in his t-shirt, but he kept mentioning about dressing casual), well-spoken, and ready with pick-up line. Which is so true.

But anyhoo, I should know that I am not lucky enough to have a guy really would talk to me in a normal way. Or maybe I should take RW advice and be more out there and more out-spoken?

I'll let the 'god' decide.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Overwhelm... Breath! Breath Feh

A regular lunch time Target shopping trip has got my heart pounding...

I roamed the Target store during my lunch hour as usual. Picked out a "pilot pass' gift card thinking of gifting it as my brother-in-law Christmas present until I remembered he got flying-sickness after the recent fly-ride.

As I place the gift card back to it's original place. A guy, good looking guy stands in front of me and stares at my direction. I turned around but didn't see anyone behind me. Still, I never thought a guy would ever stares at me, so I turned around and walk away to the cosmetics aisle to end my trip.

And BAM... he walked towards me, stopped in front of me and talked to me... I was astonished.
I'm not sure what should I do, I just stands there and stutters.

"This might be the only time I'll ever see you, so I know that I will not pass." J said.

Many times, guys came up to me, talked to me and then they stopped. But he is quite persistence. He demands immediate meetings... that's just odd. Ahhh, I am blushing and I feel blessed at the same time.


Getting on facebook, a wall post activity by Kevin C, is a youtube video named: Clara C - Rocketeer (Cover). ok, As usual, I clicked on it and... O.M.G

I've been listening to the same 1.5 minute "rocketeer" cover sang by Clara C for approximately 24 hours straight and I am sure it will kept going... Musicians always makes me so jealous of them! The way that they play all the musical instruments just takes my breath away, both male and female musicians, ahhh...

Here we go...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hello Holidays

Did I really didn't blog for the entire month? I think I really need to set a goal to create one post per month? Yeah? Yeah? I think so too, second self.

Is the holiday season. Thanksgiving is gone and Christmas and New Year is coming... Ah... need to save some money for gift giving. I am not sure what should I get for my sister and brother in law, let alone my friends.

(Feh, you don't have friends...)

But yeh, I got my first Christmas present! :D Is ICE-BAT!!!! It (they) even glow in the dark! I can't wait to open it and watch it glow every single night. I never thought to look up prices of christmas present I got, but I kinda need to in this case cause I am not sure what should I gift the gift-giver (is that even a word) in return. So I looked it up and O.M.G, boy it is expensive...

So now I need to find a gift that is similar to that range... hmmm

Good thing I've already found a gift for M and T. Just need to look up gift for my sister and bro-in-law...