Oppss, busted!

Oppss, busted!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hello Holidays

Did I really didn't blog for the entire month? I think I really need to set a goal to create one post per month? Yeah? Yeah? I think so too, second self.

Is the holiday season. Thanksgiving is gone and Christmas and New Year is coming... Ah... need to save some money for gift giving. I am not sure what should I get for my sister and brother in law, let alone my friends.

(Feh, you don't have friends...)

But yeh, I got my first Christmas present! :D Is ICE-BAT!!!! It (they) even glow in the dark! I can't wait to open it and watch it glow every single night. I never thought to look up prices of christmas present I got, but I kinda need to in this case cause I am not sure what should I gift the gift-giver (is that even a word) in return. So I looked it up and O.M.G, boy it is expensive...

So now I need to find a gift that is similar to that range... hmmm

Good thing I've already found a gift for M and T. Just need to look up gift for my sister and bro-in-law...

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